4711 Eisenhower Avenue
Alexandria, Virginia, Virginia 22304

"Building/Renovating Your Own Castle II"
Sponsored by Port of Harlem Magazine
Alexandria, Virginia
Cost: $20 per person and includes 1 year subscription to Port of Harlem Magazine

An afternoon of seeing and hearing how you can build or renovate your dream home while saving money.


How to Design a Beautiful Space
How to Hire an Architect That Will Design Your Dream Home
What You Must Know About Building in the City and Suburbia
Getting the Best Mortgage

For more information
contact Wayne Young of Port of Harlem Magazine at
publisher@portofharlem.net or go to http://www.portofharlem.net and click events to register.

Official Website: http://www.portofharlem.net

Added by Authentic Art Visions on September 4, 2006