Eric Channing Brown, GM, Integrated Communications, Skype
Richard Edelman, President & CEO, Edelman Public Relations
Additional Speakers, TBA
2012 saw numerous global scandals accelerate the widening gap between the state of trust of an organization and its leadership. These are challenging times to build trust, but there's good news. According to Edelman's influential 13th annual Trust Barometer research, hot off the presses: trust in business is slowly gaining ground. Here's your opportunity to be among the first to hear and discuss the latest trends and insights from leading thinkers. Exactly what is changing? Who are the most trusted spokespeople, and why? What strategies and tactics are most important for individuals and companies to move the needle and build trust in the coming year?
SPONSOR: Edelman Public Relations
REGISTRATION: 5:30 PM | Buffet 6:00 PM | Program 7:00 PM
Churchill Club Members $50 | Nonmembers $75
Official Website: http://transition.churchillclub.org/eventDetail.jsp?EVT_ID=972
Added by FullCalendar on January 25, 2013