Building Intimacy Marriage Retreat
Building Intimacy Marriage Retreat was founded in 2003 at Tan Tar A Resort and Spa located in the Lake of the Ozarks. The retreat is hailed for its relaxed and liberal environment; no taxing schedules or rigorous workloads.The morning of day two host the only sessions in the entire retreat. In addition, each session is centered in Christian biblical principles, focusing purely on engaging practical application and demonstration.For many who attend the highlights are scattered throughout the entire weekend; from day one's night of entertainment, day two's elegant dinner and dance, to the culminating affirmation service on day three. The atmosphere is always charged with laughter. This retreat has a way of bringing out the best in anyone who attends.
BIMR Retreat Schedule
Building Intimacy MarriageRetreat
April 24th 26th 2009
Friday, April 24
6:00 pm
7:00 pm
Games & Prizes Dinner
Evening Entertainment!
Saturday, April 25
8:30 am
BIMR Power Breakfast
Continental Breakfast
8:45 am
Session I
10:30 am
Session II
12:00 pm
Lunch on You Own!
Have Fun! Enjoy your spouse Time!
7:00 pm
Hors D OeuvresServed
Dinner Served
8:30 pm
Dance the Evening Away with your Beloved!
Sunday, April 26
7:00 am
9:00 am
Breakfast at your leisure
Check-out and Pack Car
10:00 am
Prayer and Affirmation Service
12:00 pm
Thank you for attending. Have a safe journey home.
We bid you Godspeed!
Organized by Refuge & Restoration MinistryR&R is a ministry that has been in existence since 1999, with Pastors Ken and Beverly Jenkins as its founders and overseers. The ministry focus is to evangelize the nations and see many living a victorious life in Christ. Marriageand familyis just naturally one of the many focal points R&R has established.
Ticket Info: - BIMR Marriage Retreat (Per Couple), $202.95
- 2009 T-Shirt, $15.99
- Scholarship Donations, Free
Official Website: http://bimr-upcoming.eventbrite.com