1 Sekforde Street, EC1R 0BE
London, England

In this two day course Building Dynamic Web Applications with Ajax course, you will learn the ins and outs of the various flavours of Ajax. You will also acquire the skills necessary to apply Ajax to your web application development, whether you're hand-coding or using your JavaScript framework of choice.

Added by catriona_dissera on June 7, 2010



This is actually two separate event times, once on Friday at 6:00 PM, once on Saturday at 4:00 PM.


Follow the event website link to get the free tickets to this event.


Hey, is this going to be televised? If so, what network/channel? It just says "DirectTV" on the link.


I believe it will be televised, however, I have no idea what channel it will be on. But you're supposed to wear "hip" clothes, so whatever that lends itself to mean.


you probably mean battlefield 2. :) i play that game as well, so it would be interesting to see what the serious competitors do!


Heh, didn't even notice that it said Battleship 2.

I suppose in that version, when you hit the battleship, there's a massive 3d polygon explosion.


It's cool that you support him. When I was a wee lad in my gaming career, it was fun to hear that my mom was refreshing the results page on tournament websites to see how I did. :)


Gaming career? What games?


Mostly Q2 & Q3. http://getluky.net/about/ has a few links.