5 General Recertification Credits
According to researcher and author Daniel Goleman, the greatest difference between average and high performing individuals can be attributed to competencies related to social and emotional intelligence. As employees move up in the organization, they increasingly require skills such as listening, showing empathy, working collaboratively, motivating and inspiring others, giving and receiving constructive feedback, etc. In this high-energy, interactive seminar, you'll practice your skills in these areas, with emphasis on building environments of trust, collaboration and engagement; understanding what triggers fear and resistance in people; reducing defensive behavior; releasing productive energy in others; and more.
The combination of technical expertise with personal and relational management skills results in effective leaders, teams and individuals. As people develop these skills they become more adept at working together and eliminating the interpersonal problems that undermine high performance.
About the Presenter
Celeste Blackman is an international consultant and co-founder of The Green Zone Culture Group, dedicated to creating organizational cultures where high trust, emotional commitment and collaboration thrive. She is a consultant with Business Consultants of Japan and an adjunct faculty member at the Wharton School of Business where she teaches communications in the Executive MBA program. For more than 20 years, Celeste has helped leaders and managers create Green Zones, or working environments characterized by open and effective communication, accountability and cooperation.
Official Website: http://www.nchra.org
Added by FullCalendar on March 6, 2012