April 5, 12, & 19 from 6:30 - 7:30pm
Dear Bright Ladies (and Curious Men), Sahar here.
2012 has been truly a remarkable year of growth for myself and the Bright Side of Life. So I want to bring you along on this journey of celebration and expansion.
Starting April 5 at 6:30 p.m. and leading up to the Building Business by Design weekend, we are bringing these expert speakers to you so you can step into the power and intent of this weekend right NOW.
We start our preview series on April 5th from 6:30-7:30 p.m PST. (All calls take place from 6:30-7:30 PST, Thursday Evenings).
Our calls will feature the best in the business, including: Debbie Allen, Tracy Repchuk, KC Baker, and Lisa Elia.
A bit of what we'll cover in these three calls:
-How branding helps any business to stand out
-Why it is so critical for business owners to embrace these changes in their business now.
-THE perspective shift on stage fright that will absolutely set you free to speak up anywhere, anytime, and with anyone.
-Surprising talent to having natural, off the hook charisma...every single time you speak up.
-Why the media is the best way to spread your message to the masses.
-What you need to do to prepare yourself for greater media exposure.
Bright Ladies (and men!) you know that you've got it going on, and want to step it up even further in your business growth. (If you're wondering where to even start, these preview calls will be sure to give you those answers too!)
To register, click here:
To your bright business success,
Sahar Kordahi
During these calls we'll also be giving you an invitation to really step it up with us in the Business Building by Design Weekend (We're already 65% full!) It's a rare gift to put so many diverse extraordinary minds in one room, all in one day. It is also a true honor to bring these resources to you!
To Learn More about Building Business by Design here:
Official Website: http://bit.ly/BuildingBusinessbyDesign
Added by FullCalendar on April 8, 2012