It's time to celebrate christmas with a difference. We at BuildBrighton have decided that our delightful little town is just not festive enough and have taken it as our personal mission to liven things up.
At 8pm we shall congregate at The Skiff, the home of BuildBrighton, to drink some beer and make some throwies. Throwies are basically large LED's attached to batteries and magnets. When you bring these things together you get the wonderful combination of lights that last for about 3 weeks that stick to anything metal. We have enough parts to make 300 of these throwies.
When all the throwies are made, probably around 9-9:30, we shall leave The Skiff and descend upon Brighton to decorate whatever we can find by throwing our throwies onto metal things, preferably out of arms reached so they cannot be 'tidied' up. Once we have lit Brighton to the best of our ability, we shall descend to the Fountain Head (or another suitable pub) and salute our aesthetic improvements in proper style.
Anyone can come along and anyone make a throwie - they won't cost you anything. However, if you would like to make a donation to the group then we will be very grateful.
BuildBrighton is a not for profit voluntary organisation formed to provide a community, workshop, education and collaboration opportunities for all people interested in electronics, robotics, physical computing and generally just building physical things for the sheer hell of it. We meet every Thursday night at the Skiff, and subscribing members have access to the space 24/7. If you would like to learn more about BuildBrighton, please visit our website,, join out mailing list at or just contact us at
Official Website:
Added by Emily Toop on December 3, 2009