101 N. Merion Avenue,
Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania 19010

June 3-7 Open Institute
June 3-10 MA in Urban Studies Graduate Residency
Bryn Mawr College - Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania

Institute is a training and applied research academy designed to prepare
artists, youth workers, community and congregational leaders, teachers, social
service professionals, and nonprofit organization personnel to integrate the
arts effectively in education and community development. BuildaBridge Institute embraces the power of the arts in
community outreach by teaching and transforming through local, national and
international training programs and extensive graduate study.
Institute is Eastern
instructional partner for the MA in Urban Studies, Arts in Transformation
Concentration. Graduate students attend the Institute during June 3-10 as part
of their curriculum work.
Institute 2009 will include two simultaneous track courses in foundational
theory, arts management and arts education, applied arts methods and art skills. Consequently, first time
participants attend first track courses, while second time participants attend
second track courses. Nevertheless, exceptions can be made.

track courses will include: Foundations
for Arts in Transformation; Arts and
Human Development; Arts in Education;
Arts and Spirituality; Organization for Community Arts
featuring collaborative work and fund-raising. The Money News Network, a drama-based training program on financial
management, will also be introduced.
track courses will include: Arts in
Healing, Arts in Social Services and Leadership Practicum.
of both tracks will also attend our very popular and unique Methods Lab Practicum where they will
observe and assist a lead teacher in a direct arts service program with youth/seniors
in a local shelter; and Skills
Development Workshops in different art mediums (dance, transformational
drama, visual arts, conscious drumming etc.) including cross-cultural skills for community and overseas service.
Returning participants will also have the option to attend a third track (new) of course offerings on Emergency Art Relief on June 4-6, featuring CPR, First Aid, and Cross Cultural Skills for Overseas Service. Please note that BuildaBridge reserves the right to cancel third track courses pending sufficient participation.

undergraduate and graduate credit is available through Eastern University. BuildaBridge Institute also offers an accredited Certificate in Arts in
Transformation (http://www.buildabridge.org/certificates/index.html).

Registration Options
Visit www.buildabridge.org, email institute@buildabridge.org, or call
215-842-0428 ext. 11 for details.

Full registration, which includes all course
work, textbooks and supplies, is $500 for early applicants (February March)
and $550 for late applicants (April May 25). An additional $250 covers 4 nights
of room and board at Bryn
Mawr College
(overnight accommodation, 3 meals/day).
A single day rate of $175 includes
registration and 2 meals (lunch and dinner).
Full Institute commuters can pay
$115 for all meals (commuter
meals include lunches and dinners from Wednesday to Saturday and lunch on
Registration for Track 3 courses is $250, with room and board for June 4-6 at $170 or commuter meals for $75.

Participants who are not purchasing room and board or commuter meals, have to pay a facility usage fee of $3/day. If this applies to you, please bring a check with you on the day of your arrival. Travel to the Institute site is the responsibility of the
participant. Open Institute classes begin at 1:30 pm on June 3 (with Orientation at 12:00 pm),
and conclude at 1:00 pm on June 7.

Organized by BuildaBridge
BuildaBridge is a nonprofit arts education and intervention organization that engages the transformative power of the arts to bring hope and healing to children, families and communities in the tough places of the world. BuildaBridge spans barriers of race, class, faith and culture to promote holistic personal, family and community development. Committed to principles of love, compassion, justice, reconciliation and service to others, BuildaBridge motivates, enlists, trains and connects those with artistic gifts with those in greatest need. BuildaBridge offers unique programs featuring cross-cultural perspectives and arts-integrated approaches to holistic personal and community development.

You may contact BuildaBridge by calling 215-842-0428 or by emailing us at institute@buildabridge.org.

Ticket Info:  
  • Open Institute Track 1/Track 2 Early Registration (June 3-7), $509.95
  • Open Institute Track 1/Track 2 Late Registration (June 3-7), $559.95
  • Open Institute Room and Board (June 3-7), $256.25
  • Open Institute Commuter Meals (June 3-7), $117.88
  • Single Day Attendance with 2 meals (Wednesday, June 3), $128.12
  • Single Day Attendance with 2 meals (Thursday, June 4), $179.38
  • Single Day Attendance with 2 meals (Friday, June 5), $179.38
  • Single Day Attendance with 2 meals (Saturday, June 6), $179.38
  • Track 3 Registration (June 4-6), $256.25
  • Track 3 Room and Board (June 4-6), $174.25
  • Track 3 Commuter Meals (June 4-6), $76.88

Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/260371779/upcoming

Added by eventbrite-events on March 18, 2009

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