It's been in the works for a long time now.
Asked for. Yearned for. Thought of. Mentioned. Whispered.
And now, because you asked for it - The Buffalo Readings will be doing a regular monthly readings series all summer long, not just in the heart of Manhattan, not just in the East Village itself, but at the one of the epicenters of poetry: the world famous Bowery Poetry Club! Yes, they've wanted us there for ages now & we've always wanted to be there as regulars. Mutual admiration at it's finest! So at long last the i's are dotted and the t's are crossed: the Second Monday of June, July & August will find us hosting the nastiest, grittiest, most well organized chaotic open mic event you can think of! Buffalo style poetry, music, special guests, movies, an open mike & a full fledge functioning bar. An hour and a half of poetic, artistic ecstasy.
6pm - 7:30pm, Monday June 11th, July 9th & August 13th.
Admission will be Free to all!
Event submitted by on behalf of kingotho.
Added by kingotho on June 1, 2007