67 Webster St
North Tonawanda, New York 14120

In the process of rehauling our entire site, we came across something...weird. This is not to say that our Brian Tabak is not already weird, but this was just...hare raising. We were lucky enough to notice it ourselves, but after looking at it for a few minutes,we could tell there was something wascally about it! You'll simply have to check out the site yourself and, in particular...

...this week's lineups!

January 25--7:00 p.m. @ The Historic Riviera Theater
Red Hot Wingz:Jill Petersen, Robym Flesher, Daina Burke, Dale Fischer,
Blue Cheesez: Tim Alberth, Joe Borzynski, John Kehoe, Joe Piazza
Referee: Brian Tabak
Mr. Voice: Bill Baldwin
Scorekeeper: Kevin Burke

As usual, there is no ticket price! Instead, you can "Pay What You Think" at the end of the show! If you laughed once, throw in a nickel! If you laughed long and hard, throw a Hamilton in the bucket. Whatever you thought you got out of the show is what you can donate to the cause (and we ARE a good cause, folks...we make you LAUGH like a MOVIE does!) ;-)

If you're still interested in our upcoming comedy Training Camp for actors & comedians, stay tuned. As soon as the site is back up, you can still sign up, or you can contact us directly at cszbuffalo@yahoo.com to secure your spot. Finally, our networking sites (My Space & Facebook) are still up and people are adding their pics and videos every day...which reminds us...YOU'RE a people! You can do it TOO!

And if you're not there this time? We're going to cause that pic of Brian to HAUNT you for the rest of your LIFE (which it may, anyway, whether you're there or not)!

Kinda spooked out by Brian's Harvey impression,

Your hometown CSz team

Official Website: http://buffalocomedysportz.com

Added by cszbuffalo222 on January 21, 2009