4476 Main St
Amherst, New York

We've been working all month toward this moment.

(Well, not precisely this moment right now - but the 8:00pm moment on Friday, for sure.)

Match Mardness is coming to an end. After weeks of battling it out, only two teams remain. Come watch The Wild Blue Improv take on The RAT Pack for bragging rights, a sweet trophy, and a box of Junior Mints.

AND... as an added bonus, Saturday the 27th is the Match Mardness All Star show. A head-to-head matchup of the best of the best of Match Mardness (lineups to be posted Tuesday at http://buffalocsz.com/).

Official Website: http://buffalocsz.com/pages/theshow

Added by cszbuffalo222 on February 17, 2010

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