67 Webster St
North Tonawanda, New York 14120

As the longest-running comedy improv show in the Buffalo-Niagara region, we will be holding a 15th anniversary show / fundraiser for Gilda’s Club (Gilda’s Club supports individuals and families affected by cancer (http://www.gildasclub.com) Various local celebrities will be joining our regular playerz, including:

Lisa Scott - Channel 4
Pete Gallivan - Channel 2
Greg Bauch - WGR 550
Kevin Hardwick - WBEN 930 AM
Nicholas Picholas - KISS 98.5
Jeff Nixon - Buffalo Bills Alumni
Loraine O'Donnell - WECK 1230am

The show will be held at the Riviera Theater in North Tonawanda on
Saturday, November 29, 2008 7-9 pm. Purchase tickets in advance and get $5 off!

Adults: Presale $ 20.00, at the door $25.00,
Children under 14: presale or at the door $10.00
NEW TICKET PRICE! Purchase $30 VIP tickets and hobnob with our guest judges and players over dinner!

For more details, call Buffalo ComedySportz at (716) 304-1971, the Riviera Theater at (716) 692-2113, or visit our website http://www.buffalocomedysportz.com/

Check out our Facebook page, too: http://www.new.facebook.com/pages/Buffalo-ComedySportz/24144248854

Official Website: http://www.buffalocomedysportz.com/ComedySportz/specialeventsbottom.htm

Added by cszbuffalo222 on November 20, 2008