2905 Shattuck Ave.
Berkeley, California 94705

Join Jennifer Berezan; Wes Nisker; Eve Decker (of Rebeccca Riots) and Kent Welsh; Betsy Rose; Alan Senauke; and Kevin Griffin for an exciting and engaging evening of Dharma through music.
Proceeds go to the Clearview Project's Adopt-a-Monk program which provides services for incarcerated nuns and monks in Burma/Myanmar.

Concert Begins at 7:30
for more info: Harold Adler 510-472-3170

Added by Edge of Wonder on November 11, 2009



Buddhist Benefit Concert: Another Way to Celebrate the Season of Giving

Friday, December 18th, 2009

7:30-10 pm

ART HOUSE GALLERY & Cultural Center
2905 Shattuck Ave.
Berkeley CA 94705 (near Ashby Bart Station)
Art House is wheelchair Accessible
for more info: Harold Adler 510-472-3170

Sliding Scale $100-$10 at the door

Join Jennifer Berezan; Wes “Scoop Nisker; Eve Decker (of Rebeccca Riots) and Kent Welsh; Betsy Rose; Alan Senauke; and Kevin Griffin for an exciting and engaging evening of Dharma through music.

Proceeds go to the Clearview Project’s Adopt-a-Monk program; which provides services for incarcerated nuns and monks in Burma/Myanmar.

In addition to Christmas, Hannukah, Kwaanza, and other December religious celebrations, Buddhists around the world celebrate the Awakening of the Buddha (Bodhi Day) in the month of December. Even if you are not a Buddhist, this benefit concert is sure to provide the celebrative, sacred, and inspiring qualities we hope to find in this season. And you can feel part of the season of giving knowing the money you offer at the door will go to provide desperately needed relief to nuns and monks imprisoned after the Saffron Revolution in 2007.

"The Saffron Revolution was and is essentially not a struggle for political power. It is a revolution of the spirit that aims at changing Burma from the inside out. With loving-kindness, we intend to change the hearts & minds of Burma ’s generals, returning them to their inborn buddha nature."

— International Burmese Monks Organization

For more information on Clearview Project’s Adopt-a-Monk program, go to www.clearviewproject.org/adoptamonk.html


Eve Decker

(510) 331-0934


Thank You, Harold Adler