1319 W. Lake St.
Chicago, Illinois 60607

John Van Wmson

Generous support provided by Stacie Johnson, Lisa Williamson and Kristen VanDeventer

January 7th, 2006 - February 4th, 2006

Opening reception Saturday January 7, 6-10pm

BSD Butcher Shop Dogmatic
1319 W. Lake St., 3rd Floor
Chicago, Illinois 60607

New pieces by Ms. Johnson will include 8 new paintings. 4 of these are based on the bagua, an octagonal diagram with eight trigrams on each side, that's a fundamental concept applied within Chinese Taoist thought. Ms VanDeventer will be exhibiting new drawings that capture the edge of photorealism while leaving in tact murky insinuations of half remembered experiences both sublime and mundane. Ms Williamson will be showing her recent series of purification videos together with photographs and other work that's loosely integrated with concepts of self exploration and personal symbolism.

We are open to the public on Saturdays from noon until 6pm or by appointment
to make an appointment please call 312.421.1917
or write butchershopdogmatic@msn.com
Michael S. Thomas, Director


BSD Butcher Shop Dogmatic Chicago Art Gallery
Stacie Johnson, Lisa Williamson and Kristen VanDeventer

Added by John Gibbons on December 31, 2005