A place for creative social entrepreneurs in Brighton and Hove to meet, get inspired, skilled up and get started
· Have you got a great idea?
· Looking to run a creative business but don't know where to start?
· Want to share your experience with other social and creative agents and activists?
Come along to our free launch event on Thursday 10th September from 6-8pm
At Westwerks, 41-43 Portland Road, Hove, BN3 5DQ.
Please sign up at http://bscene.eventbrite.com/
For more details please contact Emma on 01273 900904 or email emma.wallace@westwerks.org.uk for more details
BScene is a collaborative creation between Westwerks and The Life Project
Official Website: http://bscene.eventbrite.com/
Added by emmalwallace on August 26, 2009