BSA Hercules Cyclothon Bengaluru '09. The BSA Hercules Cyclothon Bengaluru '09 will be flagged off at 7:00 am from the Bangalore International Exhibition Centre (BIEC) and would proceed along the NICE corridor and return to the BIEC. The event promises to be an exciting event that aims to promote cycling as a fun activity bringing the environment conscious Bangaloreans to showcase their support towards cycling and the benefits derived from adopting the same as a mode of commute. The Cyclothon aims position Cycling as a tool for us to reduce our carbon emissions which also is the most environmentally friendly mode of commute. The event promises to be an exciting aiming to promote cycling as a fun activity. There will be performances by Raghu Dixit and a dance performance by Shaimak Davar's dance troupe. The cyclothon venue on NICE corridor is also a getaway for friends and families of the participants with various entertainment options planned viz. special stunt riders demonstrating biking skills, dance troupes, food courts and other activities that are being lined up. Elite Race - 7:00 AM. 50K Amateur category - 8:45 AM. Corporate Ride - 25K- 9:00 AM. 10K riders 9:20 am. Teen Ride - 5K - 9:50 AM. Kids Ride - 2K- 10:10 am. Performance by Raghu Dixit 7:15 am. Performance by dance group - 9:10 AM. Performance by Shaimak Dhavar 9:30 am.
Official Website:
Added by Rupsha on October 8, 2009