237-A Eldridge Street
New York, New York 10002

Dry Bones Can Harm No Man, an exhibition of work by Bryan Zanisnik, consists of a 2-channel video and photographs of carefully constructed tableaus. The photographs incorporate highly personal as well as found objects suggestive of order and disorder, and contain absolute meaning and no meaning at the same time. The spaces within the photographs constantly shift, appearing one moment as a private and authentic locale and the next as a subjective and fictitious construct. In the 2-channel video, “Preserve,” we follow Zanisnik’s father as he leads the viewer through both a taxidermy museum in Northern Maine and the artist’s childhood home in New Jersey. His father acts as a tour guide and salesperson, feeding us important —yet concurrently banal— information about the objects on display.
Reception: Friday, October 16, 7-9 PM
In conjunction with the exhibition, a live performance will take place at SUNDAY L.E.S. on Saturday, November 7, :

Official Website: http://hortonliu.com

Added by Horton Gallery on October 3, 2009

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