Stewmasters from all around the country, including our own Brunswick County, come with their crews and their enormous pots. The night before, they start work on this traditional slow-cooked concoction of onions, potatoes, tomatoes, corn, butterbeans, chicken, and fatback or ham hocks, making their own special adjustments and adding their own secret ingredients. On Saturday, the crowds will arrive to taste the competing stews and all the accompanying goodies, enjoy the music, watch the Chicken Clucking contest and the Market is Your Canvas competition, and see what the vendors have to offer. Admission is free to the public, and tickets for stew samples are $1 each at the festival. There is plenty of free parking in the lots around the Market.
Later in the day, our panel of experts will award the coveted stew trophy to the best potful, the rest will complain cheerfully that they were robbed, and no stewmaster will be persuaded that his or her traditional masterpiece was not really the most deserving batch.
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Added by richmond on October 18, 2006
mmmm.... stew.