Do you have a hearing loss? Or know a friend or family member who does? Come have brunch with other members of the Hearing Loss Association Peninsula Chapter (
* Meet others who face the challenge of having a hearing loss or the challenge of communicating with relatives, friends, and coworkers who have hearing losses
* Learn about assistive hearing devices and technologies and other useful resources
* Share your own hearing tips, advice, and experiences
* Provide suggestions and ideas as to what format you'd like these monthly brunches to have (e.g. speakers, social, informational, etc.)
To help us get a headcount, you are encouraged to RSVP to (but we'd rather that you come than not come just because you forgot to RSVP!). At the restaurant, ask for the Hearing Loss Association's table.
About the Hearing Loss Association of America (, formerly Self-Help for Hard of Hearing or SHHH:
* An international, non-sectarian, educational consumer organization of hard of hearing people and their relatives and friends
* Devoted to the welfare and interests of those who cannot hear well but are committed to participating in the hearing world
* Opening the world of communication to people with hearing loss by providing information, education, support, and advocacy
* The largest consumer organization of hard of hearing people in the United States
Added by Hearing Loss Association on September 21, 2008