Breakfast, Brainstorming & Breakthroughs
This Month's Topic - "The Woman's Edge - Your Unique Gifts & Talents"
This is a time for YOU! We know that you're as "Busy as a Bee" and we also know that taking time for yourself to learn, grow reflect and connect with others is the best way to be as "Busy as aBee" and do it joyfully and powerfully.
Women's Prosperity Network is dedicated to working with women to guide and empower them, through learning, connections and laughter to Love the Life They Live and to Create a Life They Love!
This is what our members are saying about Women's Prosperity Network:
Lynn Gorfine- "Great Event! I will recommend it to all my women friends. Theyreally have it all together and present a morning of fun, entertainment and education."
Kathy Dedek- "WPN is a great group of women! The brainstorming sessions create wonderful breakthroughs and a fresh look at challenges and opportunities. I have been a member for a year and still get excited each month to attend the meeting. I strongly recommend this group to all women who want to live prosperously and love the life they live. Play big and join us!" www.sirrus.net
All of our meetings are "T.I.M.E." Sensitive
"T" Teaching - important, relevant information
"I" Ignite - spark your creativity
"M" Meaningful - valuable lessons and tools
"E" Entertaining - having fun while you learn
Organized by www.WomensProsperityNetwork.comContact: Nancy Matthews
(954) 727-9700
Ticket Info: - Non Member, $25.00
- 1st Time Attendee - Discount $10 Off, $15.00
- WPN Gold Charter Member, $15.00
Official Website: http://wpn3-28-upcoming.eventbrite.com