Third Annual Brooklyn Peace Fair
11 am to 5 pm
YWCA of Brooklyn (30 Third Avenue at Atlantic Avenue)
Accessible from all neighborhoods
ACG to Hoyt Schermerhorn ? 2345NRWQBD to Atlantic and Pacific ? LIRR to Flatbush
Music, arts activities, hip hop, spoken word, free food, information tables, storytelling, movies, discussions on world events, performances, yoga, blood drive, Time?s Up! Peace Ride, and workshops centered around themes of peace and justice. Participants include Sheldon Drobny, founder of Air America, John Perry Barlow, co-founder of Electronic Frontier Foundation, and Danny Schechter of Global Vision. Over 100 organizations from Brooklyn and New York participating.
Featured Guest
Cindy Sheehan, mother of fallen soldier Casey Sheehan and president of Gold Star Families for Peace
11 am to 12 pm
For adults and children
Childcare provided.
The Peace Fair is FREE and open to the public.
Added by brooklynpeacefair on September 29, 2005