Exhibit Apr 11 - May 26, Tue-Fri 12-6pm; Public Opening Reception Wed, Apr 11, 7-9pm
Broadside Attractions | Vanquished Terrains, a group exhibition that features twelve pairs of visual artists and writers creating new collaborative work that takes inspiration from the historical broadside and reflects on current events and contemporary culture using the theme of "vanquished terrains" as a point of departure. Before newspapers, magazines, pamphlets, and the internet, there was the broadside. Historically the broadside has been defined as a large sheet of paper printed on one side and designed to be plastered onto walls in heavily trafficked public areas to announce events, proclamations, or news.
Participating artists and writers were paired up to collaborate on this project. Each artist provided their collaborating writer three sources of information inspired by the theme of vanquished terrains: a piece of music, a movie, and a location. The writer then created a short piece in response to these prompts, which was then given back to the artist to create work in response to the writing. This became the content for the traditional broadside, printed by Lisa Rappoport & Littoral Press. Additionally, each artist and writer pair were then asked to create another piece that could embody the same set of ideas and concepts with any form or media that they wanted to utilize, including sculpture, painting, video, sound, and stop-motion animation. Each artist and writer pair will have two pieces on display in the exhibition, a traditionally printed broadside and a contemporary reinterpretation of the broadside in a variety of media.
Featuring: Eliza Barrios & Myron Michael, Paul Bridenbaugh & Steve Gilmartin, Karrie Hovey & Elise Ficarra with Evelyn Ficarra, Misako Inaoka & Jaime Cortez, Keiko Ishihara & Chaim Bertman, Patricia Kelly & Vince Montague, Dwayne Marsh & Nana Twumasi, Nathaniel Parsons & Ly Nguyen, Christine Ponelle & Annice Jacoby, Matthew Rogers & Maw Shein Win, Megan Wilson & Hugh Behm-Steinberg, Liz Worthy & Jenny Bitner.
Official Website: http://theintersection.org/2012/03/broadside-attractions-vanquished-terrains-gallery-exhibition/
Added by FullCalendar on March 30, 2012