87 Perkins Row
Topsfield, Massachusetts 01983

Join us as we search high and low for shorebirds in the morning and birds of prey in the afternoon. We'll start the day in the coves and marshes along the Webhannet River of Wells, Maine, known for migrating shorebirds. This is the time when these coastal habitats can bubble with semipalmated sandpipers, willets, and other shorebirds, busily feeding on their way to their wintering grounds. Then we'll make our way to Mount Agamenticus, a 700-foot monadnock in York, Maine, to look for migrating birds of prey such as broad-wing hawks, ospreys, and falcons. Location, topographic features, and visibility all combine to make this site the premier hawk-watching location in southern Maine. Registration is required. Call 978-887-9264 for details. See http://www.massaudubon.org/catalog/listing.php?program_code=807-IP10SU1 for more information.

Added by Upcoming Robot on September 9, 2010