Featuring highly skilled rap stars from west coast USA Vs UK underground hip hop acts, mcs and turntablists - watch as they spit, scratch and battle it out to the death!!
Joined by break dancing crews, live graffiti artists, scratch djs, beatboxers and more!
Live dubstep / breaks acts & DJs join us - featuring some of the finest, grimiest & greatest underground masters of ear drum popping bass beats and breaks
Plus exclusive performance art in the form of ever dangerous body angle grinding, freestyle tribal belly dancing, body painting and other little surprises ;o)
-- Room 1 -- Hip Hop
Bigg Steele [USA]
Rugged Intellect [USA]
Wordsmith [USA]
Reepsone [Beatboxer]
Marvin Hagglar
Black Knight
Black Flag Cartel
DJ Herse
DJ Cok-E [USA]
DJ Skunkboy
DJ Lumo
--Room 2 --[Dubstep / Breaks / Electro]
Mister Sushi (Live Av Set W/ Drummer)
Robert Logan
Ben Invasion
AvantRural Soundsystem
Mike Cupcake
DJ Phoss
DJ Physt
--Live Performances--
Twisted Cirque and Moirai Tribal
--Live Graffiti--
Ghost Da Vandal
Candie Bandit
Mr Yeti
--Live B-Boy Battle--
* More to be announced / line up subject to change
Official Website: http://www.myspace.com/guerrillazoo
Added by guerrillazoo on October 22, 2008