Thursday, November 30, 7:00 PM
Japanese Canadian National Museum Speakers Series presents:
The Britannia Beach Japanese Canadian Community: Ongoing Research
National Nikkei Museum & Heritage Centre, Room 210
Marilyn Robb writes:
“Two years ago I commenced research for a Memorial Register to honour the memory of those who died while working and living at Britannia Beach and Britannia Mines. Through this research I discovered that there had been a considerable Japanese Canadian population at Britannia – their presence and their contributions to the community forgotten. Many have passed away but a few have been located. They have been most generous in sharing their memories with me. These memories, coupled with research into individual family histories, are helping to bring them the long overdue recognition that they deserve. Britannia was forever changed not only because they are gone but more importantly because they were there.”
Born and raised in Britannia Beach, Marilyn Robb knew little about its pre-war Japanese Canadian community, some of whom had been her parents’ playmates. Volunteer work at the BC Museum of Mining sparked Marilyn’s interest in this community’s history, and brought her to the Japanese Canadian National Museum as part of her research. Join us to hear Marilyn share what she has learned. A special invitation goes out to former residents of Britannia Beach, or their descendants – please come and share your stories as well.
Admission is free. Light refreshments will be served. Information: 604-777-7000 ext. 111.
Added by taikotea on October 31, 2006