Bristol Knowledge Unconference is an “Unconference” specifically about Knowledge.
This will be our first “Bristol Knowledge Unconference”, and so it is a bit experimental at the moment. So it should be fun!
The event will be “themed” around the general subject of Knowledge, which includes:
* The Semantic Web / Linked Data / Hyperdata / Data Web
* Web Science
* Topic Maps
* Information Architecture and Design
* Knowledge Acquisition
* Knowledge-Based Systems, Knowledge Engineering and Rule-Based Systems (etc)
* Knowledge/Information Visualisation and Graphical User Interfaces
* Knowledge-orientated Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
* and maybe even, Object Oriented Databases
An unconference is more social, more hands-on and a lot less formal than a usual conference, it is also attendee orientated (meaning that the people who attend will generate the content of the event, there is little prior content organisation). The Bristol Knowledge Unconference also has a specific theme (Knowledge) and a specific location (Bristol, UK).
Oh yeah, and it's entirely free and open to all! But you must sign up here:
Official Website:
Added by danieljohnlewis on July 23, 2008
We now have a poster for you to download, print and put up at your workplace (if it's appropriate):