350 Smith Ranch Rd
San Rafael, California 94903

Marin Association of Female Executives presents:
Bringing Your "A" Game - Making sure your business makes the grade

Women are starting new businesses at an unprecedented rate, which is great! Unfortunately, 8 out of 10 of those new businesses will close long before their 10th year. If you want to make sure your business makes it through the long haul, you'll want to make sure your business earns top marks in...
* Authenticity
* Alignment
* Accessibility
* Appearance

How's your business doing? Come listen to what Brand Strategist Susan Schwartz has to say, and find out! You'll have a chance to put your business to the test, and get notes on how to take your business to the top!

Susan's foundational belief is "You've got to be you." As founder and principal of You Who Branding, Susan helps individuals and entrepreneurs see and appreciate who they really are - so they can tell others. And not just tell them, but do it in a clear, confident, consistent and compelling way. Her four step process, incorporating all of her skills, helps her clients to present themselves with aplomb in person, in print and in public.

Come early to network with the Mafe member vendor showcase table tops. Table top displays are available as a free benefit of membership. Step up to this opportunity to visually showcase yourself and your business. Reserve your table top today by contacting programs@mafe.org.

MAFE is about creating relationships- meetings are structured in a way that gives you time to create new relationships and develop true business contacts. Bring a friend and join us for an evening of learning and networking with smart, dynamic, and interesting businesswomen.

Each meeting is an opportunity to get an edge, move our business forward, and develop personal and business connections - recognizing the relationships we've already created and those yet to come.

$35 MAFE Members; $48 Guests / OPEN to the Public.

Official Website: http://www.mafe.org

Added by FullCalendar on April 17, 2008

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