255 Front Street West
Toronto, Ontario

Bring "O" to "T.O"

FIRST 300 Attendees: Get your Limited Edition Bring "O" to TO t-shirt! Donations to the Angel Network are Welcome.

Calling all Oprah Winfrey fans! The Holistic World Expo is presenting you the opportunity to let Oprah know she's wanted in Toronto, Canada. Be part of the action that brings Oprah to Toronto, Canada! Holistic World has created a campaign which affirms that "power in numbers" achieves results! Come on Toronto, join the momentum, and be a part of history in the making. Let Oprah know why you want her to come to Toronto Canada!

Come to Holistic World Expo March 16th-18th, 2007 (the #1 holistic health show dedicated to bringing Oprah Winfrey to Toronto, Canada) at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre:

1) For the opportunity to WIN, (2) tickets to be a part of Oprah's studio audience, including flight and hotel to Chicago, Illinois

2) To record via video, your personal message to Oprah letting her know WHY you want her to come to Toronto, Canada

3) To sign the Bring Oprah to Toronto, Canada invitation book

4) To be part of the audience of hundreds to simultaneously send a message to Oprah via video inviting her to Toronto, Canada

5) To be part of the Holistic World V.I.P list for tickets when Oprah agrees to come to Toronto, Canada

6) To get your very own Bring Oprah to Toronto, Canada t-shirt

7) To be part of all the fun and excitement!

info@holisticworld.org 416-966-2626

Official Website: http://www.holisticworld.org

Added by holisticworld on November 23, 2006

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