1924 Cedar (at Bonita)
Berkeley, California

Speaker: The Reverend Byron Williams, liberation theologian, syndicated local and national columnist, television and radio guest. Rev. Williams has often written on the dysfunction of the California legislature (www.ByronSpeaks.com),
and is excited to participate in this campaign.

Since when is it fair or democratic to have a system in which one third of elected officials call all the shots? California’s budget crisis – and so many of our state’s systemic problems – are the result of the anti-democratic two-thirds requirement that allows a minority of elected officials to block sensible economic legislation and stop our government from functioning. We’re the only state where this is true for both budget and revenue laws, and now we have the chance to turn this around. Come learn about The California Democracy Act, authored by George Lakoff, and what you can do to pass it in November, 2010. This is it: "All legislative actions on revenue and budget
must be determined by a majority vote."

We need your help to get petitions signed now—the deadline is April 5th. For information on how to get started, go to www.Californiansfordemocracy.com.

Refreshments provided, donation requested
Wheelchair accessible

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Added by benburch666 on February 25, 2010