3286 22nd St
San Francisco, California 94110

There are no real burritos in Portland. This is a fact, despite any words to the contrary that a certain Jeff Veen might offer. His words on the subject are incredible, helped in no part by the fact that there are no real burritos in Portland.

It's possible that Jeff may have mistaken my craving for real burritos as a real burrito. That possibility by itself has 7 layers of disturbing images, none of which include the Taco Bell 7 Layer Burrito. Not only is it not a burrito, it has layers much like a pile of dirty socks has layers, and I do not eat dirty socks.

I also miss my San Francisco friends and would live to see everyone seeing me enjoy real burritos. So here's the plan:

On Thursday night, stop by El Farolito on 24th/mission, purchase a real burrito, and bring it over to the Latin American Club where you can consume it, drink Latin American Scotch, and remain as serious as possible until I've finished my burrito. Then Jeff will eat 3 burritos in one sitting, which he failed to do the last time we did this.

Added by elbowdonkey on September 13, 2007



Bring it, Buffington.


Interesting development: Jeff Veen claims to have eaten a burrito in an alley next to a bunch of bookcases while in Portland.

But Jeff has an open mind, surely. His desire to eat 3 real burritos shows that he's willing to reset his world view using the best possible method: brute force. If 3 burritos doesn't convince him that Bookcase Alley Burrito isn't a real burrito, well then, it'll be a sad evening to say the least.

But not for me. I for one will be eating a real burrito, and my happiness will be un-trumpable.

Update 2:
And I will bring it. Wrapped in foil.


Burritos and scotch sound a dangerous combo, but I think I'm up for it.


There is such a thing as Latin American Scotch? That's frightening.


Didn't someone fall off of the stage last time we were all there?


Drinks are on Yahoo!


WIsh I could make it... need more drinks!


The Latin American is always fabulous. I can't believe Veen ate 5 burritos! It must have been the tequila.


Latin American Scotch was must stronger than I thought, but I think it was the Scottish tequila that really wrecked me.