Meeting or the Brighton Ruby crowd, again upstairs at The Eagle, we have Steve Bartholomew with "TDD - WTF" and Dan Glegg with "The loneliness of the solo Rails developer". at the slightly later time of 7:30pm. Newbie or Ruby expert or not, come along and have a beer or two after.
Official Website:
Added by james2m on January 21, 2007
I'd love to come down again, but I need to see how reasonable a trip to Brighton again would be that night. We'll see.
dang, i will miss it again
but anyway, two 'real' projects i've worked on using rails are and openstreetmap
ribot: Haven't you figured it out now, Rail's developers don't make _real_ apps, we just live on the hype. And user groups.
ah, just seen the time...can't make it if it's 7.30...footy match afterwards. Will it be moving back to the 7pm slot for the next one?
@jnicho02: maybe, some were struggling with 7. I guess I better put it to the democratic process.
Hi all,
I posted the audio and slides from last night to my blog at for those who missed it or who want to relive The Horror.
Looking forward to the next event. It would be nice to see what kind of 'real' projects the group's members have used ruby/rails with. Not really knowing much about the whole arena - the only ruby/rails site that I know of (and use) is basecamp.