Girl Geeks are back!
Be a part of shaping future events and come along to the Pitcher and Piano at 7:30 on Wednesday 22th October. We want to know what is was about the old Girl Geek events that made you come back time and time again. We would like to hear about what Girl Geeks means to you and what you want to see more of in the meetings. We want to hear about why you are a geek and what passions you have, and what we can do to share and build on your knowledge and interests. We want Girl Geeks to be about you and for you and we are inviting you to come along to help us achieve just that.
This is an informal social in the run up to more events coming in the near future.
Old rules still apply, guys are allowed but only by invite from a girl.
Sign up on the wiki.
Official Website:
Added by rosiesherry on September 28, 2008