5500 Campanile Drive
San Diego, California 92182

?Bridging Disciplines? Second Annual Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Conference At San Diego State

Students from all academic fields are invited to submit papers on any topic.
In the spirit of interdisciplinary approaches we especially encourage those topics that ?Bridge Disciplines.?

This conference is organized by SDSU graduate students in order to provide other students an opportunity to share their current research with their colleagues.

Abstract Information: Please submit a 250-word abstract by Friday, March 3rd 2006.
Abstracts should be submitted to gsb@rohan.sdsu.edu.
Include a cover page with:
field of study, title of presentation, name, class level, e-mail address, and phone number.

Submissions of panels (not to exceed three papers) are also encouraged.

The Graduate Student Board is an Advisory Board to SDSU Associated Students. We work to advocate for the rights and interests of Graduate Students along with promoting an environment that is conducive to high quality academic pursuit all the while fostering camaraderie among the graduate community.

For further information please visit http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/~gsb or contact gsb@rohan.sdsu.edu

Added by kylemurley on December 9, 2005

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