he fantastic lineup includes: Blue Cole Press, The Bungaloo, Crooked Letter Press, Michael D’Alessandro, Design Medicine, Leah Duncan, Enormous Champion, Heroes & Criminals Press, Huldra Press, Anne Keech, Keegan Meegan, Lulu Dee, Miss Cline Press, Perla Anne, Iris Porter, The Post Family, Power & Light Press, Alyson Provax, Amy Rabas, Satsuma Press, Beth Schaible, Sensura Studio, Rory Sparks, Starshaped Press, Two Tone Press, Alisa Walton and more!
the center will also have refreshing summer drinks, tours of their 2,400 square foot studio, and a raffle chock-full of letterpress and silk screen goods.
Official Website: http://www.em-space.org/em-space/
Added by Eric Eaglstun on July 15, 2009