20 Winbourne Road Rochester, NY 14611
Rochester, New York 14611

$15.00 at the Door
Reservations Required
call 328-3103

6:00 PM Potluck Dinner
7:00 PM Concert
Mar 22

A House Concert at the home of Ralph Hunt & Judy Gradford
20 Winbourne Road
Rochester, NY 14611

Click here for directions
Brian Peters is a performer of traditional folk music who combines a high level of skill on three different instruments with a great voice and an energetic stage presence. He's a leading English squeezebox player, doubling on melodeon (button accordion) and anglo concertina, a fine guitarist well-versed in open tunings, and a passionate singer who can convey drama or emotion, while his carefully-constructed accompaniments blend adventure and sophistication. Described as "One of British folk music's finest ambassadors", Brian started out in the folk clubs of England and has taken his performances to stages all over the world, touring regularly in Europe and America, and always retaining a deep commitment to the musical traditions of his native country.

Brian believes strongly in the power and relevance of the old songs and bases his set around them, but he's no diehard, and covers the work of writers from Leon Rosselson to Lyle Lovett and Robin Williamson, as well as contributing songs of his own. He specialises in the great ballads of the British Isles. On the instrumental side, he has been a mover in the creation of a distinct identity for Northern English dance music, researching, playing and teaching rare tunes from centuries-old manuscripts, as well as composing many tunes in traditional style. He's also become known for daring forays into ragtime, blues and rock'n'roll on his squeezeboxes, and his stage set achieves startling variety, without ever betraying his traditional roots.Brian presents his material with warmth and unforced humour to appeal to the casual listener as well as the committed folk fan.

"One of my top five ballad singers"
Grit Laskin

"His playing is inventive and without fault, his vocals are strong and evocative, and his stage patter holds your interest while you are holding your sides. This guy is bloody good"
Enda Kenny, Folk in Victoria (Australia)

Official Website: http://www.heartlandconcerts.org

Added by fsmousdan on March 10, 2009

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