909 W Mary St
Austin, Texas 78704

Brian Cutean was a mainstay of the the Austin music landscape in the 80’s and early 90s regularly featured at places like Chicago House, Maggie Mae’s, The Cactus Café, The Other Side, Folkville and other venerable venues. Now based in the Pacific Northwest, he performs, writes and tours, making a Texas trip once a year in Spring.
The Austin concert this year is celebrating his new wordless guitar album, Guitarred and Feathered, just released this March. The concert is Sunday May 16 at Café Caffeine, 909 W. Mary. The concert is from 4:30-7pm and all ages are welcome. Tickets are $5 - $10 sliding scale and no one will turned away for lack of funds. Brian will be accompanied by long time sideman, Austin bassist Robert Vignaud.
After five albums and nearly 30 years of award-winning songwriting, performing wordplay, metafables and stories, the Oregon troubadour’s wordless guitar music is music for mindheartsouls to sing along with. The new recording is one guitar, a whirl of musical ideas and the sound of hands, wound wires and wood. A breather from a world shrill with opinions, instant message me-me-me blogs and 24 hour news chatter, Guitarred and Feathered is universal in every language and the stories it tells belong to everyone..
The album is already getting ariplay from more than thirty radio stations around the globe and appeared as album of the week on Amarillo’s High Plains Public Radio in April. Host Johnny Black wrote: “This week’s A-List CD comes to us from a truly original singer/songwriter, Brian Cutean. His new album, Guitarred and Feathered is entirely instrumental and consists of amazing fingerstyle guitar compositions.”
QTN’s website is www.QTNRG.org  Songs from Guitarred and Feathered are posted for listening at myspace.com/QTNstrumentals. To contact Brian for interviews, more information, or a review CD, email QTNZYME@yahoo.com.

More Words About Wordlessness:
"Guitarred and Feathered soars with a vast array of interesting, creative ideas that are beautifully presented. I quickly forgave Brian for omitting his uniquely brilliant wordplay as his guitar dances, contemplates and jests with QTN magic."
                                                Mike Meyer, KMHD-fm, Oregon Public Broadcasting
"Guitarred & Feathered is a pleasant surprise from Brian Cutean. Many singer/ songwriters’ ability as musicians are often overshadowed by their focus on writing and singing. This instrumental album shows another side of this musician who can really play guitar and does it well. The album does not sound like he is trying to showcase that talent as much as trying to write great songs where the guitar is the voice instead of his singing voice. Plenty of fine playing too… Highly recommended."
Terry Currier, Owner, Music Millennium Records 

"Brian is one of those rare guitarists who possesses a 'signature touch' that can be recognized in a moment. That touch makes no secret of his love affair with the guitar and it bubbles up in each delightful composition on this CD...A splendid piece of work that will always be a jewel in my collection."
Kelly Mulhollan, Musician, from Still on the Hill
"Brian QTN is a wandering wordplay troubadour whose crafty lyrics and verbal punnery deflects attention from his soulful and sprightly guitar work. At times soothing, at times jaunty and whimsical, QTN’s solo guitar is like a soft feather bed that tickles your sweet spot while welcoming you home."
                                                Lisa Lepine, ProMOTION
"QTN is the guitarist with one foot in the groove!"
                                                DE Knight, Seraphic Park

Added by Listen on May 6, 2010

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