Stop the Stressin! Listen, relax and leave the ugly at the door.
The Yellow Dress
Brendan Getzell Band
Also Featuring:
Nothing But Ash's
DJ Blair, spinning in the front room
All of this is happening Saturday, July 17th at Cat Club in SoMa. There is not a more fantastic way I could envision to come out of your three-day post-Bastille-Day hangover than to go to this show.
The magic* starts at 10pm!
$5 door, 21+
* - not as in Magic: The Gathering, though there will be magic, and if you're there it'll certainly be a gathering!
Source -!/event.php?eid=111558345560503
Stop the Stressin! Listen, relax and leave the ugly at the door.
The Yellow Dress
Brendan Getzell Band
Also Featuring:
Nothing But Ash's
DJ Blair, spinning in the front room
All of this is happening Saturday, July 17th at Cat Club in SoMa. There is not a more fantastic way I could envision to come out of your three-day post-Bastille-Day hangover than to go to this show.
The magic* starts at 10pm!
$5 door, 21+
* - not as in Magic: The Gathering, though there will be magic, and if you're there it'll certainly be a gathering!