Jon Schreiber visits Portland as part of International Breema Week!
Join us for this rare opportunity to experience Breema in a workshop led by Jon Schreiber, Director of the Breema Center and the Breema Clinic in Oakland, California and author of many books, including "Breema and the Nine Principles of Harmony."
Breema invites harmony between the mind, feelings and body, and creates balance in our relationship to ourselves, to others, and to all life. In this presentation, we'll do Self-Breema exercises, a simple Breema bodywork sequence, and receive an introduction to Breema's underlying principles.
The atmosphere of a Breema workshop, supported by the principles of No Judgment and Mutual Support, is deeply nourishing and revitalizing. Our emphasis is on exploring and gaining first-hand experience of the Nine Principles of Harmony, which can be applied in any activity or situation.
For questions and to RSVP: Avi Copelan, 503-577-7746
For more information about Breema, visit our website, or watch our videos on The Breema Channel on YouTube.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on December 30, 2012