Breema: A Self-Healing Practice
is a dynamic system of Self-Breema exercises and partner bodywork that invites us to come out of the mind and into the body to discover the essence of who we really are. Breema uses breath movement, and stillness to help us experience a deeper understanding of our body's instinctive self-healing wisdom.
Avi Copelan will teach an actual Breema class, so please come dressed for movement and be sure to have eaten on the early side. Wear loose, comfortable clothing that covers legs, shoulders and arms, and wear clean socks. Wednesday, September 16, 6:30-8:00 PM, in Yoga Room A.
The program entrance is closer to NE 31st & Hassalo, You'll find directions and information about parking at:
Our space is beautiful and the environment is very peaceful, in a garden setting.
Our website is
Hope you can join us!
Added by michlawni on September 14, 2009