We are immersed in numerous activities everyday like taking care of family, working with tough deadlines etc, during this process we might have experienced some or all of the following
1. negative emotions like anger, fear, insecurity etc.
2. low in energy and enthusiasm.
3. lack of focus and concentration on the task we are doing.
4. inability to handle stress and stressful situations.
5. lack of sleep and rest.
Breathing techniques combined with Yoga & Meditation are effective tools to bring out our best in us and enhance the overall quality of life. Join us for the session this Sunday, at the Art of Living Santa Clara Center at 3:30 pm and learn about these techniques.
Session Contents
Powerful breathing techniques | Guided Meditation |
Simple yet powerful Yoga postures | Tips on managing stress.
Reported Benefits:
Reduced Stress. | Improved focus, clarity and enthusiasm.
Relaxation & better sleep.
Added by aoloutreach2370 on July 23, 2012