2368 Walsh Avenue
Santa Clara, California 95051

Many of us undergo stress on a day to day basis. Stress can affect us in ways that we can hardly imagine !

Are you aware that we can eliminate more than 70% of toxins from our body with our breath. In our Breath, lies a great hidden secret that can be used to live a healthy and stress-free way of life !!

Come and experience simple yet powerful breathing-technique, experience a guided meditation, and learn about the ancient science of your mind – all of which will dissolve your stress and leave you with a smile!

Admission : FREE (Please RSVP due to limited seating)

The workshop will explore the elegant Mind-Breath-Body connection, and how we can consciously use our breath to:
* Live in the present moment
* Break through our barriers and realize our full potential
* Learn how to manage our emotions
* Live a happier and stress-free life!

1. Reduced Stress & Increased energy levels.
2. Increased Joy & Happiness.
3. Enhanced Focus & Concentration.
4. Improved Relationships

Official Website: http://secure.artofliving.org/event_details.aspx?event_id=104626

Added by aoloutreach2370 on January 22, 2013