2325 W. Marshall Road
Lansdowne, Pennsylvania 19050

Join us for a workshop that teaches a new body-mind language that allows people to directly reconnect with their ability to function effectively. Based on pioneering techniques of psychoanalyst Stanley Block, MD, and his book, Come to Your Senses, the workshop explans the Identity System (I-System), a fresh approach to breaking through limitations and allowing the natural self to thrive. Dr. Jules Shuzen Harris, Sensei who has over 25 years experience as an educator, psychotherapist and is one of the first people certified to teach this method by Dr. Block will lead this workshop. Shuzen is also a Zen teacher and received transmission from Enkyo Roshi of Soto and Rinzai lineage.

Pre-registration and payment for the workshop is required. Email: registrar@sojizencenter.com or call Jan Seisui Ward at 302-753-8681.

Pre-registration $45; At the door $55.

Official Website: http://www.sojizencenter.com

Added by jlwspring on March 31, 2010