WHAT: A free, 1-hour event to educate the public on how to break the dangerous chain of counterfeiting and about the horrible effects it has on our society.
WHY: Counterfeiting has become a large problem in today’s society and billions of dollars are lost every year as a result. A common assumption is that only luxury goods are being counterfeited. However, according to the IACC (International Anti Counterfeit Coalition) “luxury goods only account for 4% of counterfeited items and the rest ranges from medication to airline parts.” Counterfeiting precipitates a dangerous chain of events where innocent people are injured or even killed.
Heidi and the BTC- team invite the public and media to this critical “Anti-Counterfeiting” event.
Event topics and activities:
• How one can help to prevent counterfeiting
• How to recognize counterfeit products
• How counterfeiting effects our society
• Give-aways including free T-shirts, key chains, food and beverages
For more information about Heidi and the Break The Chain Event, visit- http://encounterheidi.blogspot.com/
SPONSORED BY: COACH in cooperation with the IACC (International Anti Counterfeit Coalition).
Official Website: http://encounterheidi.blogspot.com/
Added by heidicee on May 8, 2007