The Divine Reality Comedy, a brand new translation of Dante's Divina Commedia, consists of four parts: Paradise, in which the old human Born-to-Die gene is replaced by the brand new Born-to-Buy gene; Post-Paradise Horsemanship; Purgatory, in which the shadows of the indefinitely detained speak to you; Hell, the Guantanamo interrogation process in which an eight-inch papier maché population recites actual interrogation transcripts and then witnesses three cases of torture as demonstrated on three over-life size puppets. The show will be performed by Peter Schumann and the Bread & Puppet Company, along with a large number of local volunteers, including members of the Second Line Social Aid & Pleasure Society Brass Band and their musical friends. Informal talk back with the artists follows each performance.
Tickets: $12 general admission [students, seniors, & groups of 10 or more $10]
Official Website:
Added by marycurtin on January 5, 2008