Transform your business in2009
Nows the time
Invest one day to learn how to accelerate your marketing. Youll discover fresh tactics that will increase your ROI.
Could a $299 investment help create a $40,000 sale? Yes it can! When you learn where to focus your marketing to reach the right people and compel response you will drive sales results. Presented by Jennifer Larsen Morrow, Brand ACT is designed to teach you new concepts and fresh tactics that will focus your budget and help you choose which marketing strategy will generate the biggest return. Nows the time to transform your marketing program.
Profit from experience
Now your business can profit from Jennifer Larsen Morrows experience and insight, honed from 30 years of brand work with clients in numerous industries, as president of Creative Company. She brings proven strategies and high-impact ideas to every attendee. Jennifer created Brand ACT to help businesses like yours learn how to clearly define their audiences, then identify the point of choice where each audience takes the next step in the sales process. Focusing all messages and visual systems at the points of choice (which are different for each organization and each audience) yields tactics and tools that will be more effective at a lower cost.
When your marketing is focused, your messages are clear and compelling for each targeted audience and your brand is memorable you will generate attention, boost sales and improve your bottom line.
You will learn
5 steps to defining your audiences so you can reach them more effectively
How to uncover the wow that captures attention and interest
How simple changes at the point of choice can make a huge difference in your sales results
About the power of branding and how it increases your impact
How to speak to your audiences so they understand why they should choose your product or service over the competition
To create communication tools that really work
About new online marketing tools and strategies that drive traffic to your Website
The power of connecting every contact point you have with your audiences
That different generations respond to different media, and what media to choose for your audiences
The difference between features and benefits, and how to identify your strongest benefits
Secrets to printing quality brochures and mailers at lower cost
How to communicate who you are in business and why youre different from (and better than) the competition
Lots of interaction
The workshop is formatted for plenty of interaction, with no more than 25 attendees. Often attendees use the group as an informal focus group, to test ideas and discuss strategies. With worksheets and discussion throughout the day, youll get a chance to voice your opinion and ask plenty of questions. A brain-teasing exercise will help you define your competitive position in order to stand out in your market. Youll learn specific actions you can implement immediately, and youll leave with tools you can use for both short- and long-term planning.
In just one day you will become energized and excited about possibilities. Bring your team members and youll align around a common direction and focus your brand that will drive your business forward.
Just Added:Thursday April2, 9am to 5pm, Wilsonville, Oregon, Holiday Inn
Fee: $299, 2nd person from same organization, $149.50.
Comments from attendees
Thanks for the day. It really opened up some ideas. You turned the light bulb on for us because weve been struggling for a sense of direction [for our value-added products].
Gery Amos, V.P. of Sales and Marketing, RainSweet, Inc.
Jennifer was simply amazing! Always in tune with the problems each company faced, she would instantly offer suggestions and ideas
Liz Schreiner-Schmidt, Gift Shop Manager, Schreiners Iris Gardens
BrandACT forced our business to take a hard look at who we are, how were perceived in the marketplace and what we need to do to achieve our marketing goals.
MarkRetz, Sales and Marketing Manager, Amity Vineyards
BrandACT rocks! I used one of the exercises the very next day with our recruitment staff. We generated ideas that make sense for us and will help our Adult Degree Program increase enrollment.
Janet Gifford, Division of Continuing Education, Linfield College
Organized by Creative Company, Inc.
Creative Company is a strategic branding
andcommunications firm building brand
experiencesthat advance business and
impact people.Interdisciplinary team with
practices in brandresearch, brand strategy,
brand design, brandimplementation and
brand management.Campaign strategy
and marketing programsare all created,
managed and implemented by
seasoned professionals.
Ticket Info: - Early Bird, $299.00
- Buy One for $299.00 and the second for half price $149.50, $224.25
Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/298876949/upcoming