Brand University 2009:"The Power of Relationships"Charlotte, North CarolinaDate: May 16, 2009 Location: The Hyatt Place
What's Your Relationship Building IQ? Do you know how to best leverage your existing relationships and strategically build new ones for maximum business success?
Are you letting opportunity pass you by?
Our Speakers Will Teach You How To Leverage Relationships for Business Success!
INTRODUCING OUR SPECIAL GUEST SPEAKERS...Audretta Hall - Vice President Support 4 Your DreamsTopic: Market like a woman but negotiate like a man!Keys to Relationship Marketing for Maximum ResultsLearn more about Audretta:
Michelle Pippin - Chief VisionaryWomen Who WOW
Topic: How I turned one speaking engagement into $16,250 of income... ALL through relationship marketingVisit Michelle's Awesome Blog:
Special Guest Appearance by:Francina Harrison - The Career Engineer Founder, Harrison & Associatieswww.thecareerengineer.com
The bottom line is simply this: People buy from people they know, trust and like. If any of these attributes are missing from your sales and marketing formula, you will not reach peak performance!
Here's a secret...relationship building is not about what others can do for you, but about what YOU can do for others...
Did You Know The Key To:
Snagging that new loan to expand your business...is in the relationship
Landing that big contract over the more experienced incumbent firm...is in the relationship
Doubling your business income...is in your relationships
Getting suppliers to agree to more favorable terms...is in the relationship
Whether a business succeeds or fails...is in it's relationships
Attend Brand University Seminar this May in Charlotte and you will hear from:
Michelle Pippin, Founder of Women Who WOW will be exposing the secrets of how she turned one speaking engagement into $16,250 of income... ALL through relationship marketing.
Audretta Hall, The Relationship Marketing expert, who teaches hundreds of small businesses how to position their companies for success will be sharing with registered attendees of Brand University how to market like a woman but negotiate like a man! Learn how to build REALationships to give others what they need to get what YOU want!
Francina Harrison, The Career Engineer and also dubbed as the "Oprah" of Hampton Roads, Virginia. Ms. Harrison's relationship building technqiues have landed her major national media publications, talk shows and speaking engagements. Mrs. Harrision is a motivational speaker, author, business and life coach. Listen to her share things you can do immediately to get the results you desire!
Don't Wait, Register Today! Limited Seating Available!
Brand University Charlotte Agenda:
8:30 - Registration Opens
9:00 - Morning Networking Mixer (Optional)**All attendees should arrive by 10am**
10:15 - Seminar Part 1
11:30 - Break/Lunch (grab n' go lunches available)
12:00 - Seminar Part 2
1:30 - Seminar Concludes
2:00 - VIP Reception
Want to receive updates and information about 2009 Brand University conferences and seminars?Follow us on twitter @branduniversity
Brand University Business Solutions:Effective Tools to Kick Your Business into High Gear
The Brand University Experts Recommend:
Web Hosting SolutionHost your blog, website or social network with Blue Host. So easy to use plus one button install for Wordpress blogs. At just a wee bit over $6 a month, this deal can't be beat!
Online Marketing HelpSo much to do, so little time? Well, you need Marketing Makeover Generator! This simple tool provides everything you need to market online such as: Professional Templates, Fill-In-The-Blanks, Web-Audio Recorder, Web-Video Recorder, Split-Tester, E-Mail Database, Bulk E-Mail Sender, Auto-Responder, Unblockable Exit-Survey And More...
For about $1 a day, they provide all sorts of traditional and cool new gadgets and functions to streamline and maximize your online marketing efforts. Get started now at MarketingMakeoverGenerator.Com
Participants are eligible for refunds up until May 1, 2009. After this time no refunds are given.
Ticket Info: - Seminar Access (Early Bird), $56.38
- Morning Networking Mixer, $15.99
- VIP Reception, $25.99
- All Access Pass, $82.00
Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/258975603/upcoming