60 Masonic St.
northampton, Massachusetts 01060

We're experimenting with a new meeting format - the brainstorm.

Ultimately, a writer presents a set of ideas for a script that he/she intends to write, and the group collectively brainstorms ideas for plot, characters, scenarios, relationships, and/or anything else the presenting writer needs.

So if you have an idea you've been kicking around, but have been too daunted by to begin on, bring it in and let's see what happens! So far, Jake will be presenting something, as will I.

Question: "What should I bring, if I want to present?"

Answer: Given the open-ended nature of a discussion like this, it will be easy for conversation to de-rail. To keep discussion focused, a general rule would be: The more you can present to the group, the better we'll be equipped to help you.

Some ideas:
- An outline (or 2, if considering multiple structures), however rough
- A list of characters, with descriptions
- A list of scenes you're considering
- A rough statement of theme
- A list of questions you need answered, or specific points you want to discuss

Question: "Do I need to sign up, or can I just show up with ideas?"

At this stage, just show up with ideas, and we'll see how an open structure works for this format.

Official Website: http://www.nohoscreenwriters.com/

Added by Joy Chipman on June 2, 2009


Sandy E.

Dave, my husband, might join us at the Brewery. He has a meeting at 6:30 in Worthington, so depending on how long it is, he might come down out of the hills for a beer or two.