Key Speaker: Jeff Zimman, CEO, Posit Science
Joanna Rees-Gallanter, VSP Capital
Scott Rains, SeniorNet
Terry Freeman Klein, Financial Corp
Moderator: Susan Walker, Smartsilvers
Lots of buzz & People used to think memory loss, those "Senior Moments" was an inevitable part of getting old. But research shows you may be able to keep your brain fit the same way you do your body with exercise. The brain is like plastic, it can change itself physically and functionally at any age. In response to the right exercise neural connections can be rewired, and new neurons can be produced. Scientists call this natural adaptive ability brain plasticity or neuroplasticity.
Join us in lively and informative discussions as the CEO of Posit Science, a venture-backed company based in San Francisco that is developing brain exercise programs, discusses the brain tools they developed based on the science of neuroplasticity. Find out why Posit Science has the buzz and was designated "best of breed" by VentureOne/Dow Jones, named one of the AlwaysOn 100 Top Innovative Private Companies for 2005, picked as one of the "medical breakthroughs of the year" by CNBC and listed as one of the "small companies to watch in 2005" by Fortune Small Business magazine. The speaker and panel will discuss:
** What did Posit Science see in this the emerging market for Brain tools.
** What kind of Brain tools are being developed and what are scientists discovering as a result.
** What are the market opportunities in proactive health segments.
Sponsors: MITCNC, American Society on Aging, Business Forum on Aging, SmartSilvers
The Boomer Tech Series: targeted topics at the intersection of Technology and Aging. Mailing list for advanced notice
$15 in advance on the website, $20 walk-in, cash or checks only.
Phone: 650-854-1146
About SmartSilvers Alliance:
The goal of SmartSilvers is to leverage technologies which foster active aging Our mission is to promote awareness, development and deployment of innovative, consumer friendly products and technology-leveraged services which cater to the unique needs of our expanding senior population, providing independence, mobility and quality of lifestyle.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on April 23, 2006