89 Centennial Loop
Eugene, Oregon 97401

Hip Hop concert featuring Braille with special guests Nik Fury, Endr Won, the Sons of Vindication, the BreakDown Dance Company and the Raw Action b-boy crew to benefit the HIV Alliance.

Braille will give a copy of his latest c.d. "Cloud 19" free to everyone who attends the show

Suggested admission donation to the HIV Alliance 10$ at the door, but everyone gets in.

all cash received will be given directly to the HIV Alliance to fund their efforts to care for people living with HIV and to prevent new transmissions.

All ages and all types of people are welcomed and respected

sponsored by Redemption Rocks! Concerts, the First Baptist Church of Eugene, the Tree House Venue, EastSide Faith Center, Nicholas Fargher graphic design and others

Official Website: http://www.myspace.com/redemption_rocks

Added by Redemption Rocks on April 13, 2009

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