Modern society is built around specialization; more tasks are outsourced today then ever before. We outsource fire and police services, government (that’s what a representative democracy is), and food preparation (restaurants). In general, we outsource things that have one or more of three characteristics: they are complex, important, or distasteful. In business, we outsource tax preparation, payroll, and cleaning services. Outsourcing security is nothing new: all buildings hire another company to put guards in their lobbies, and every bank hires another company to drive its money around town.
Computer security is all three: complex, important, and distasteful. Its distastefulness comes from the difficulty, the drudgery, and the 3:00 a.m. alarms. Its complexity comes out of the intricacies of modern networks, the rate at which threats change and attacks improve, and the ever-evolving network services. Its importance comes from this fact of business today: companies have no choice but to open up their networks to the Internet.
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Added by jayeshpaul on January 21, 2008